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Text File | 1999-04-30 | 10.6 KB | 277 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Using Alpha as Frontier's external editor
- Frontier menu 2.1.5
- April 1999
- This document explains how to use Alpha as Frontier's external editor.
- For help how to use Alpha as an HTML editor see the manual for HTML mode,
- located in the folder HTML mode manual.
- Please see the HTML mode home page, http://www.theophys.kth.se/~jl/Alpha.html
- for the latest version of HTML mode and Frontier menu. There you can also
- download the HTML mode manual if you haven't got it already.
- The code has been tested with Frontier 4.2.3, Frontier 5.0, and Frontier
- 5.1.5.
- I have two mailing list for information about updates, one for HTML mode
- and one for Frontier menu. If you want me to put you on my lists, send me a
- mail and tell me which lists you want to be on.
- Johan Linde, <jlinde@telia.com>
- Acknowledgments
- Almost immediately after I had released Frontier menu 1.0 I got to know that
- Danis Georgiadis <dmg@hyper.gr> also had written some code to integrate
- Alpha and Frontier. He generously gave me his code to freely use together
- with mine. In this version I have taken the parts from his code which
- could easily be integrated with mine and which worked without problems. The
- Frontier database browser and the Scripts menu are both made by him.
- When I made the Frontier shell I used some of Danis' code and some from
- Matlab mode by Stephen Merkowitz <merk@lnf.infn.it>.
- What's new in version 2.1.5
- • In Alpha 7.2 windows with names containing brackets were not saved in
- Frontier. Fixed!
- • See also the version history.
- Installation and configuring
- Installing verbs into Frontier
- The five files
- system.startup.clearAlphaFiles
- shutdown.closeAlphaWindows
- system.verbs.apps.Alpha
- user.html.editors.Alpha
- user.Alpha
- must be imported into Frontier. You find these in the folder
- Frontier verbs. Just double-click the files to import them. Frontier
- will ask for a name of the imported objects. Use the ones suggested.
- Upgrading from version 2.1.2, 2.1.3, or 2.1.4
- None of the above files have been changed since version 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and
- 2.1.4.
- Upgrading from version 2.1.1
- Only the file system.verbs.apps.Alpha has to be imported into Frontier.
- The other files have not changed since version 2.1.1.
- Upgrading from version 2.0.x
- Only the three files
- system.verbs.apps.Alpha
- system.startup.clearAlphaFiles
- shutdown.closeAlphaWindows
- have to be imported into Frontier. The other two files have not changed
- since version 2.0.x.
- Upgrading from version 1.0
- All five files have to be imported into Frontier. The ones distributed with
- Frontier menu 1.0 are not compatible with Frontier menu 2.1.4.
- Other necessary changes to the Frontier database
- There are also a few more changes you must do in Frontier:
- • Change the path in user.odbEditors.TextEditor to the path to Alpha,
- otherwise Frontier will use the default editor BBEdit.
- • Similarly change the path in system.verbs.apps.Alpha.appinfo.path
- • A small change must be made to the verb suites.odbEditor.editors.Text.edit
- The last lines reads
- bundle «send an Apple Event to the editor to open the temp file
- «use an open protocol that's implemented by BBEdit 4.0 and greater
- «the extra parameter to the odoc event is Frontier's app id
- appleEvent (ideditorapp, 'aevt', 'odoc', '----', alias (tempfile), 'FSnd', Frontier.id)
- Change them to
- bundle «send an Apple Event to the editor to open the temp file
- if defined(Alpha.id) && ideditorapp == Alpha.id
- Alpha.edit(tempfile)
- else
- «use an open protocol that's implemented by BBEdit 4.0 and greater
- «the extra parameter to the odoc event is Frontier's app id
- appleEvent (ideditorapp, 'aevt', 'odoc', '----', alias (tempfile), 'FSnd', Frontier.id)
- This change is needed because Alpha doesn't understand the Apple event used
- in the last line. Hopefully Alpha will understand it in the future so that
- you don't have to make this change in the future. If you decide to switch
- back to your previous editor you don't have to undo the above change. It
- will work as before with any other editor.
- Inserting the Frontier menu in the menu bar
- The Frontier menu doesn't automatically appear in the menu bar.
- In Alpha 7.0 insert it in the menu bar by selecting Frontier menu in the submenu
- Config -> Global -> Package Menus.
- In Alpha 7.1 open the dialog Config -> Global -> Menus and Features… and
- check the Frontier menu checkbox.
- Opening a Frontier text window in Alpha
- Text windows in Frontier can be opened in Alpha using Edit with App in
- Frontier's Main menu. Whenever you save changes the Frontier database is
- automatically updated. If you use 'Save as...' in Alpha the new file is
- disconnected from the Frontier database.
- You can also use the Frontier database browser, see below.
- Frontier menu
- Switch to Frontier - Launches Frontier or brings it to front if already
- running.
- Preview Page - Makes Frontier render the page and sends it to the
- browser for previewing. This is the same as 'Preview
- Page' in Frontier's Web menu (or 'View in Browser' in
- Frontier 4.2.3). This should only be used for files
- opened from Frontier. Other HTML files are sent to the
- browser using 'Send File to Browser' in the HTML menu.
- Publish Page - Makes Frontier render the page and publish it. This is
- the same as 'Publish Page' in Frontier's Web menu. (This
- function only works together with Frontier 5.)
- Frontier Shell - Opens a shell window where you can run Frontier scripts,
- see below.
- Browse - Opens a Frontier browser at different points in the database.
- Use Add… and Remove… to edit this menu.
- Open - Opens a Frontier window in Frontier. Use Add… and Remove… to
- edit this menu.
- Scripts Menu - Rebuilds the Scripts menu and loads the script corresponding
- to the menu items.
- Preferences… - To set your preferences for Frontier. Currently you can
- choose if you want to automatically launch Frontier when
- you launch Alpha. This is not done by default.
- Scripts menu
- The Scripts menu is a menu which you define inside Frontier in the same way as
- you define shared menus for other applications. (The Scripts menu has the
- cowboy menu icon like the Frontier scripts in the Finder.) The menu definition
- must be in user.Alpha.menubar. Alpha does not support menu sharing. Therefore
- there are a few things which differ from how shared menu work. In particular:
- • If you launch Frontier after Alpha the menu it not automatically inserted
- in the menubar. You have to use Rebuild Scripts Menu to insert it.
- • Whenever you modify the menu you have to use Rebuild Scripts Menu to
- rebuild it. Note! This has also to be done when you modify a script belonging
- to a menu item.
- • Keybindings for the menu items must be defined the way Alpha defines
- keybindings. Alpha uses certain meta characters to define menu items. See
- the section Menus, User-Defined in the general manual.
- Frontier database browser
- The Frontier database browser lets you navigate through Frontier's
- database without leaving Alpha. You can also open Frontier windows in
- Alpha without leaving Alpha. In the browser windows, tables are red, text
- windows are green, and everything else is blue. To navigate the windows
- you can use key shortcuts similar to those used to navigate Finder windows.
- uparrow - move up one line
- downarrow - move down one line
- rightarrow - rightarrow on a table displays the content of the table.
- leftarrow - leftarrow on a table hides the content of the table.
- cmd uparrow - opens the parent table in a new window.
- cmd-opt uparrow - opens the parent table in a new window and closes the
- current window.
- cmd downarrow - cmd downarrow on a table opens a new window with the
- content of that table.
- cmd-opt downarrow - cmd-opt downarrow on a table opens a new window with
- the content of that table and closes the current window.
- return - opens the selected object for editing. Text objects are opened
- in Alpha, and most other things are opened in Frontier.
- Frontier shell
- The Frontier shell is an alternative to the Frontier Quick Script window
- for those who like a command history. Type a command and hit return to have it
- executed in Frontier. The return value is then displayed on the next line.
- You move up and down the command history using control-uparrow and
- control-downarrow.
- Control-u erases the current line.
- WARNING! Don't send commands which will make Frontier open an alert window,
- like e.g. dialog.notify. If this window is hidden behind your other
- windows it will freeze your machine with command-option-escape as the only
- way out.
- Option-click in titlebar
- Option-clicking in the titlebar of the Frontier shell window pops up a menu
- with the command history. Selecting an item from this menu inserts the
- text in the window. If the option key is held down while you select the
- menu item the command is immediately evaluated, otherwise it is only
- inserted so that you can edit it before evaluating it.
- Version history
- 2.1.5, 30 April 1999
- • In Alpha 7.2 windows with names containing brackets were not saved in
- Frontier. Fixed!
- 2.1.4, 25 April 1998
- • Fixed a startup problem. Alpha wouldn't launch completely when being
- launched by dropping a file on it while Frontier was running, or by using
- Edit with App in Frontier.
- 2.1.3, 1 March 1998
- • Compatibility fix for Alpha 7.1.
- 2.1.2, 7 February 1998
- • Made 'View in Browser' compatible with Frontier 5, and renamed the menu
- item to 'Preview Page', which it's called in Frontier 5.
- • Added 'Publish Page'. This only works with Frontier 5.
- • Improved error handling. In some cases Alpha would previously show
- incorrect error messages.
- • Option-click in title bar of Frontier shell window pops up a menu with
- the command history.
- • 'Save as…' now disconnects the window from the database, which is more
- logical than the previous setup.
- • Some small bug fixes.
- 2.1.1, 3 November 1997 [update of version 2.0.1]
- • The same as version 2.1 but for Alpha 7.0.
- 2.1, 3 November 1997 [update of version 2.0]
- • A startup and a shutdown script to be imported into Frontier have been
- added. Together they solve a problem which sometimes prevented the windows to
- be saved into Frontier's database. The shutdown script closes all open
- Frontier windows in Alpha. Thanks to Mike Carney <mike_carney@mediaone.net>
- for ideas and some code snippets.
- • Various problems for windows with names containing brackets have been
- fixed.
- 2.0.1, 19 October 1997
- • Updated to be compatible with Alpha 7.0.
- 2.0, 17 August 1997
- • Added a Frontier shell.
- • Added database browser and a Browse submenu.
- • Added the Open submenu.
- • Added Scripts menu, which is defined in Frontier as with other apps.
- • 'Save as...' works now.
- 1.0, 20 July 1997
- First public release.